
Latest Release: IP 2024 now available!

Written by Geoactive | May 02, 2024

The latest version of Interactive Petrophysics (IP), our industry leading subsurface data analysis and interpretation software, is now available.

With two decades of continuous software enhancements, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering. Our aim is to help subsurface teams fully integrate and scale the management and interpretation of their data throughout the well lifecycle so that they can maximize the value of their assets, and we believe IP 2024 will do just that.

This year’s latest version boasts substantial performance and usability improvements that will benefit all our users. Additionally, we’ve developed new workflows to facilitate the transition to alternative subsurface industries, complemented by enhancements to our most popular existing modules. IP is now better than ever - refined, robust, and ready to meet the future.

We've been focusing on improving overall performance so our users can work smarter and quicker. We have made everyday tasks that bit easier, added new integration capabilities and have continued to enhance our workflows. 

Not only this, but our Machine Learning module has been streamlines and we've improved IP's capability to analyze alternative subsurface terrains. 

In summary, we have:

  • Improved general performance
  • Made everyday tasks that bit easier
  • Streamlined our machine learning module
  • Added the capability to analyze alternative subsurface terrains
  • Included additional integration options
  • Further enhanced numerous workflows

We value working with our customers to ensure we are meeting the demands of their working requirements. As always we continue to develop and improve our existing IP modules, therefore we are open to feedback so we can continue to improve our product offering.

With a whole host of other features having been improved upon in IP 2024, why not get in touch to arrange a demonstration with one of our experts.

But most importantly, we hope you have fun exploring our software!

Download IP 2024 Now

Or, if you'd like to arrange for a demonstration of IP with one of our technical experts:


Team Geoactive