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Geoactive Limited Exhibited MEOS GEO 2023 in Bahrain

Geoactive Limited Exhibited MEOS GEO 2023 in Bahrain

The first combined Middle East Oil and Gas Show (MEOS) and Middle East Geosciences (GEO) Conference and Exhibition was held in Bahrain in February.  It built upon over 40 years of effective knowledge-sharing and well established networking events pulling together the upstream industry's value chain in one place at the same time.

Some of our team, Dr Tegwyn Perkins, our Geoengineering Product Champion and Ibrahim Alti, our Middle East Account Manager, attended the event where we were hosting a space alongside our colleagues at Geosoftware. Our team used this opportunity to catch up with some of our local customers, building stronger partnerships, making introductions and establish in-person meetings with Universities and more. 

It was our pleasure and honor to meet with the long-time IP Users, Tatweer Petroleum team at the MEOS GEO Show as we enjoyed many inspiring conversations. 

Tatweer (2)

Tatweer Petroleum and Geoactive at MEOS GEO 2023

We were able to spend time with them to discuss our recent change to Geoactive Limited and what that will mean for them (only good things). We were also able to share the latest developments from our subsurface software solutions, Interactive Petrophysics (IP) and Interactive Correlations (IC).

These discussions and demonstrations, as always, led to some in depth conversations that we hope to continue now the event has finished. Tegwyn said "it was fantastic to meet with the Tatweer Petroleum team in person.  It’s always a great experience to sit down with customers and listen to what they have to say.  I did get a kick out of one discussion - they had received a log plot of an image log from a service company that had absolutely no contrast on it – it was completely washed out. They sent it back for further processing but they couldn’t improve upon it. The Tatweer Petroleum petrophysicist loaded the data into IP and showed them how we do it – simply adjusting the contrast directly in the Image Histogram display.  Apparently, the service company analyst made copious notes and left.”

It continues to be important for us to maintain our presence in the Middle East and be available for our local customers. Being present at events such as this, are key to building relationships with our clients.


Professor spent some time discussing the expansion of our solutions to his department at Khalifa University

Ibrahim told us “It was incredibly interesting to speak with professors at Khalifa University and hear about their expanding need for our software for their courses and we are excited to continue to provide that service to the next generation of geoscientists.” Tegwyn added, “It was great we could introduce our friends at Khalifa University to our colleagues from Geosoftware and spend time discussing the expansion possibilities for IP and IC at Khalifa University.”

The main theme of the conference was “Today’s Realities, Tomorrow’s Energy” to reflect the current evolving landscape of the industry and open the discussions to showcase the future solutions, technology, efficiencies and innovation the industry are implementing. The technical sessions were presented on topics, not only important to the oil and gas business, but the interlace of global matters and our industry. These included Sustainability, Investments, Technology and Integration from a wide range of presenters. The attendees were wide ranging too and we were able to meet people from various parts of the industry, including unconventional resources, geologists, engineers and managers.

Ibrahim said, “The exhibition was a great success for Geoactive Limited and gave us the opportunity to show the new features and functionalities of IP 2023 & IC 2023. We thank all the visitors and customers for visiting our booth”.

AbdulKarim   Aramco

  Our team at the booth with some of our clients

Tegwyn shared the following story "A couple of weeks ago I got to spend a few days in Bahrain. This was my first time visiting the country although I have visited the region many times previously.  My first impression was unexpected… as we hustled towards the exit in search of the taxi rank, I noticed that my fellow passengers were putting on coats and beanie caps.  “Come on”, I thought, “it may be February, but it can’t be THAT cold”.  I stepped out of the airport and was immediately blown sideways by a strong cold Northerly wind. I lost my place in the taxi queue as I quickly searched for my own beanie cap and flannel shirt.  Two items that I had earlier in the day regretted not leaving behind in Wales.  It either got warmer over the following couple of days or I acclimated quickly." It wasn't long (at all) before Tegwyn identified and met other travelers for the conference and got talking to them.

MichaelDowenWith more than 10,000 global energy professionals from across 60 countries in attendance, the exhibition hall was arranged to allow a focus on different features. The combination of "Start-up village" and the "Genius Talks" with the "Live labs" and the "Core sample display" made the exhibition floor diverse and interactive. 

Our team were able to make the most out of the networking opportunities with the lead capture system available and gave us a great opportunity to meet people in a space we could talk and get to understand local needs and where we might be able to provide some support on their subsurface journey.

MEOSGEO 2023, by all accounts was a successful, perhaps quiet, event and we can't wait to hear about next years plans.

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